Don't get me started!
If I may steal a quote made recently by another poster on this discussion board:
"When two people are arguing about religion, both are wrong."
Reefton Jack
JoinedPosts by Reefton Jack
If there is such a thing as "ONE TRUE RELIGION...
by JH inif there is such a thing as "one true religion", then lots of good honest god loving people will die at armageddon.. although jw's don't gamble, chosing the correct religion, if there is one, is a gamble.. .
Reefton Jack
Wife Abuse
by ZeroZen injws from what ive read seem to be very sexest they dont let women have a voice in the religion, and my friend said he was talking to a member and he said it is ok to hit and abuse your wife is this true?
Reefton Jack
I grew up in a (non-JW) home where my parents did not always get on the best.
However, my first introduction to domestic violence was at 17 years of age, when I left home and came into
"The Truth."
In the JW family that I lived with that first year, the husband and wife had frequent differences of opinion.
One of the elders told me that the husband concerned needed to, to quote; "clobber her", in order to establish his "headship."
If that isn't condoning wife beating, then it is a bloody good imitation of it!
Jack. -
How being a JW improved my study skills
by Mysterious inwe all saw these barf articles about how kids did better in school because of the skills they learned as jws so i thought i should post all the wonderful benefits i have gained.
-i have learned how to look like i'm paying attention in class without actually doing so [yay participation marks, boo not understanding what's on the test].
-i have learned to underline on autopilot with no intrinsic benefit to my study skills [my book looks like wwiii so why don't i know anything].
Reefton Jack
It has been stated that reading the Watchtower and Awake is the equivalent of a university degree.
It certainly got me mine:
- a Bachelor of Stupidity.
(with his tongue driven hard into his cheek!) -
educated elder or uneducated elder which was the best ?
by looloo inthe ones i know are either life long window cleaners with little education behind them or ex army /police /teacher types that are used to public talking and a bit of power , which ones did you find were the best elders ie kind and caring , i would go for the uneducated window cleaner /manual worker type by my experiance , in fact it was because the intelligent ones believed it was "the truth" that made me think well it must be true if he believes it
Reefton Jack
I only ever knew of one elder who had completed a university education. (Hardly surprising, given the WTS downer on education).
This particular elder held a degree in electrical engineering, and was by most definitions of the term, a good person.
However, so were some others who had had minimal education
- I recall one elder who would never got to high school; while poorly educated, he was far from stupid.
From my experience, I would have to agree with those posters who have noted that a person's educational level did not seem to make much of a difference as to who made the best elder.
Jack -
What do you remember about the Conventions?
by ScoobySnax inwhen i think back, i remember being excited in the 80's.
i remember the 5p food token strips at twickenham, london.
you could get hot fresh doughnuts and burgers.
Reefton Jack
I agree with the posters who describe the WTS as not being child-friendly.
THAT is what I remember about the conventions, and no, I don't miss the things!
I am only thankful that my father woke up to that from day one, and resisted the pressure that his JW mother put on him to raise his children (two sisters and me) "In the Truth."
Unfortunately, I had to find out the hard way the the JWs are not family friendly, and dragged my children along to the full JW Indoctrination Program, including the conventions.
That is still something that I feel bad about.
Jack. -
Would You Really Want To Live Forever With Dubs?
by shamus100 inhere is the hypothetical question of the day - would you, or more appropriately, could you live forever in paradise on earth with jw's?
with the hypocrosy, silly elders, silly people... feeding lions and cleaning up after animals... everyone living by waterfalls, like the jw's always portray in they're psychotic pamphlets..... or would you rather be dead.
i, personally, would much rather be dead.
Reefton Jack
This reminds me of the opening stanzas of the Canadian poet, Robert Service, and his poem
"The Wage Slave."
This starts off
"When the long, long day is over, and the Big Boss gives me my pay,
I hope that it won't be hellfire, as some of the parsons say.
And I hope that it won't be heaven, with some of the parsons I've met-" -
by Mary inwould you rather work in a unionized or non-unionized environment?
the place where i work recently voted 'no', we don't want a union in here (after being harassed by a very large union for the last 5 years).
there were some who voted 'yes', but the majority of us voted 'no' and those that were pro-union are quite pissed off that the rest of us 'fail to see the light'.
Reefton Jack
At different times, I have been a union member:
- either it was compulsory; or, in the interests of keeping the peace, it made a lot of sense.
However, after working several years in management, my enthusiasm for unions cooled somewhat!
For a 24 hour period in mid-2005, I had to be escorted around by an armed policeman
(i.e. one carrying a Hechler and Koch submachine gun).
The union wanted to go beyond calling a strike:
- one of its key strategies was to black out the whole district, a community of 16 000 people.
Fortunately the power station's staff listened to reason; after it was pointed out that striking was one thing, but switching off the power supply was quite another issue.
Such action would have caused economic loss to the local business community, not just to the company.
(As well as generating its own electricity, PNG Forest Products also doubles up as a power supply company. Its two small hydro-electric plants are the sole source of electricity for the Wau and Bulolo districts of Papua New Guinea.)
To avoid blacking out the entire district, the Mechanical Workshop Manager and I , between us, manned the power station's Control Room for that 24 hour period.
After that, and a similar occurrence six months later, my view of unions has been a tad jaundiced!
Jack. -
Did You Experience Shunning By " Cliques" in Witness Congregations ?
by flipper inthe american heritage dictionary defines the word clique as , " a small , exclusive group of friends or associates .
" further in the synonym section under the word " circle ", it says about the word , " clique " a clique is an exclusive group, usually social and often participating in activities from which outsiders are barred .
" it quotes john lloyd , a writer - " the narrow, often self- perpetuating cliques which control our lives, living standards and leisures.
Reefton Jack
I think that being made aware of the existence of cliques was the beginning of the end for me.
Prior to that, I still had the idea that - warts and all - this was still "The Truth."
And yes ----- I did experience shunning by those that imagined they were superior creatures!
Jack. -
only part of meeting you enjoyed
by martinwellborne infor me it was bible reading, where you could express your own opinion, in line with present truth of course.. pre the change it was awful listening to some fool telling you his opinion of bible highlights.
Reefton Jack
None of it!
Jack. -
WTS Higher Education Policy
by besty ina couple of topics recently have made me think about exactly how cynical are the wts when it comes to their higher education policy for the rank and file.. first one was mavie's about her forthcoming jc which prompted me to flick through richard dawkins the god delusion.
dawkins quotes from a study published in mensa magazine 2002; .
"of 43 studies carried out since 1927 on the relationship between religious belief and one's intelligence and/or educational level, all but four found an inverse connection.
Reefton Jack
Sure,reading the Awake magazine IS the equivalent of having a university degree:
-as long as the degree you want is a Bachelor of Stupidity!